Won-sil Heo ئاپەکان

MySMS 1.0.4
Won-sil Heo
Very Simple, Very Easy to Use!This Application made for Me,but You can find some Merits also^^
지식한줄 1.2.0
Won-sil Heo
매일 한 알의 비타민으로 필요한 영양소를 채우듯지식한줄에 접속하는 것으로 지식을 채울 수 있다면...그런 아이디어로 이 어플을 만들었습니다메뉴는 세가지로 구성되어 있습니다지식한줄 읽기 - 새로 올라온 정보(지식)을 한 알...지식한줄 쓰기 - 내가 직접 유용한 정보를 요리하여 올린다지식나누기 참여 - 각 분야의 전문가들이 쉐프가 된다처음은 한 두 명의 사용자로 시작하지만앞으로 각 분야의 전문가들을 각 분야의 쉐프로 초청할 예정입니다여러분도 동참해 주세요^^It seemed to fill thenecessary nutrients in the vitamin daily AlIf knowledge can fill a knowledge by connecting it to a line...This application was created with the idea thatThe menu is composed by threeRead one line knowledge - a newly uploaded information (knowledge)Al ...Knowledge letter line-ups I have to cook yourself usefulinformationSharing knowledge involved - the chefs are experts in theirrespective fieldsThe first begins with one or two users, butIn the future experts in various fields will be invited chefs fromvarious fieldsPlease also join you ^^
WoosongMap 1.0.5
Won-sil Heo
This Application made for students andfacultyof woosong college.Include campus map(map, direct call etc.), school bus guideandshuttle bus time table with map.All data stored in web server so that you can received renewaldataall time.Please reply comments of this application. Thank you^^
BrainUp 1.0.3
Won-sil Heo
Simply graphic match game for brain.Level 1-10 : Basic-.-Level 11-20 : GoodLevel 21 : Wow!
CarLog 1.0.5
Won-sil Heo
Main Functions1. Gas/Oil Data/Report(Monthly Graph)2. Car Care Data(Which Parts Repaired?)3. Tour Data(My Own Google Mapwith My Travel Data/Restaurant Information)This Application designed for Me, but Now Announce for You^^